We are commanded by Christ and demanded by our day to reach people of all nations with the message of Christ and demonstrate our love for God and others with compassion, integrity, and excellence.
Mt Zion Baptist Church responds to this command as we Pray, Give and Go.
Our Mission is to inform and inspire Christians to influence their
world for Christ.
Mt. Zion seeks to fulfill this goal in several ways.
The goal of the Missions Committee is to work with the church leadership to coordinate and facilitate local, national and international missions activities of the church and increase the church body’s awareness of missions and how MZBC responds to Christ’s commands found in Matthew 28:16-20 and Acts 1:8 among others.
Mt. Zion engages in local mission projects throughout the year inside and outside the walls of our church to help our church family, our community and local schools.
Mt. Zion engages in national and international mission by financially supporting full-time missionaries and agencies as well as strategically participating in short-term mission trips.
What is a Faith Promise?
Just as we partner with missionaries and agencies in prayer, we also partner with them through our financial giving as they follow the call God has on their lives. Without the financial support of fellow believers, these missionaries would not be able to do the work they are committed to do.
As its name suggests, faith promise mission giving is based on a faith commitment. In addition to regular tithes and offerings, each church member is challenged to give by faith to the mission program of the church, knowing that God will be faithful to provide the resources they need as they faithfully give. This is not a pledge to the church but to Christ and world missions.
Paraclete Mission Group
North American Mission Board (NAMB) Canada
Christ the Cornerstone Missions, Inc.
Straight Up Missions
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
South Metro Atlanta
Eastern Europe
Forest Park, GA
Northern Thailand
Jonesboro, GA